EnglishIt's been a while
Friday 18 May 2007 - 22:16 RSS Link Lars Althof
To the English speaking it must seem like we forgot about our blog..  Well, that's not actually the case  we just haven't  written in English for a  while.
Well, a lot has happened since the last entry: Xander is now 16 months old, we got through the winter, we have worked in the garden, see our now flower bed.
Das neue Beetmehr Beet
I have travelled quite a bit, and I will be traveling again next week. Other than that, we are trying to get ready for visitors to arrive in a couple of weeks. If you want to keep up with what's going on in our family, I would recommend learning Danish or German, since we will write more entries in those languages...
2 comments Add comment
Sunday 16 September 2007
Thanks for making the world a more open space.
Sunday 16 September 2007
Thank you for creating a blog. I hope you will take frequent moments to let us in the wide world know what you're doing with your time now that you've become famous -- and I hope you became richer, too!
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